Our response to COVID-19

Bonson is fully committed to our customers – your safety and wellbeing is our utmost priority and we endeavour to provide you with the best support we can through the ongoing challenges of Covid-19.

Keeping you supplied

As an essential business providing packaging to the food industry, we are committed to maintaining the best possible service and on-going supply to you.  Bonson has ensured procurement strategies of raw materials has minimised effects on production capabilities and we are working hard to achieve delivery dates with the global pressure on shipping.

Covid-19 Protection Framework (Traffic Light System)

Bonson’s Covid-19 policies and practices ensure the risks associated with the transmission of Covid-19 are minimised and we have updated our policies to align with the Covid-19 Protection Framework (Traffic Light System).  For Contractors, Consultants, Suppliers and Visitors to our site, the following are the general requirements:

At All Levels
  • Do not enter premises if you are experiencing Covid-19 symptoms or you are a close contact of someone with Covid-19.
  • You must scan the Bonson/Savpac NZ-COVID-Tracer QR code or keep record of visit and sign in using the Visitor Sign in system.
  • Maintain proper hygiene practices.
  • Vaccination is recommended but not mandatory to visit our site. However, we have mandated vaccination for our Sales Team members and for our contract delivery drivers who visit our customers who have implemented a vaccine mandate on their sites.
At Red and Orange
  • External personnel can enter the workplace providing the following is in place:
    • Physical distancing.
    • Wearing of mask or face covering.
    • Personal Hygiene practices followed.

We aim to minimise the number, proximity and length of interactions where possible and utilise on-line meetings and electronic communications where practical.

At Green
  • Usually, no restrictions on workplace access – the Bonson Team will advise for any specific site visits.
  • Follow the rules at All Levels above.

Independently audited food safety management systems

Underpinning our Covid-19 response, Bonson has in place food safety management systems that are independently audited to the global best practice standard FSSC 22000.  This covers both on-site hygiene and GMP controls as well as supply chain considerations.

For more information about our integrated management systems, please click here.


Thank you for your support and understanding. If you have any questions regarding our operation or our Covid-19 response, please feel free to contact us.

These policies will be reviewed updated where required to align with government updates and developments as the pandemic evolves.


Kia Kaha (stay strong),

The Bonson team


Latest update: 16 December 2021